Fisher-Price Recalls 4.7 Million Deadly Children’s Toys

Dangerous product defects are not limited to large items like cars or construction equipment. Our homes and families are surrounded by consumer products at all times, and if these products are defectively designed, our families could be at risk. Toy company Fisher-Price just issued a massive product recall after one of its products was found to pose a fatal danger to children. An experienced New York defective product attorney can help you recover for any damage or injury caused to you or your family by a negligently designed or manufactured product. Read on for details about the Fisher-Price recall.
Baby Sleeper Product Found to Be Fatally Defective
Products designed for young children, and infants especially, must be designed with both the erratic behavior and the frailty of young children in mind. Unfortunately, a Fisher-Price product designed to rock babies to sleep was discovered to have been improperly designed, leading to infant injury as well as reported deaths. As reported by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Fisher-Price issued a recall for all models of their “Rock ‘n Play Sleeper.” Parents found that the product caused infants to roll from their back to their stomach or side while using the product, if the infant was unrestrained or under other circumstances.
Around 4.7 million Rock ‘n Play Sleepers of various models, sold by Fisher-Price since 2009, are affected by the recall. Tragically, the defective design led to at least 30 reported infant fatalities. The infants rolled over, while unrestrained as well as under other circumstances, as a result of the rocker’s motion. Federal law prohibits anyone from selling or reselling any of the products once a recall has been announced. Anyone who owns one of the affected products should immediately stop using the sleeper and contact Fisher-Price for a refund or voucher.
The CPSC’s release emphasized that property damage, injury, and death caused by defective consumer products costs the country over $1 trillion annually. A knowledgeable product defect lawyer can help hold responsible companies like Fisher-Price who put defective products into the market.
If you or someone you love has been harmed by a defective product in New York, find out if you have a right to compensation for your injuries by contacting the experienced, effective and skilled Hudson Valley personal injury lawyers at Rusk, Wadlin, Heppner & Martuscello, LLP for a free consultation at 845-331-4100 (Kingston) or 845-236-4411 (Marlboro).